Tuesday, June 16, 2015

When Rebecca drove me home

When i left Rexburg, i got to stay in Utah for a couple days! for Raycelan's bridal shower, mostly, but also because i wanted to spend more time with my then-boyfriend Karl. 
(speaking of which, i've been posting on our new blog about our story!)

The weekend was fantastic, and a blur of sweet conversation and late late nights with my sweet boy. Monday morning rolled around, and i drove home to Madera, California with my oldest sister Rebecca, her two youngest, and my brother Jonathan.
I HATE the drive from home to Provo, but honestly, i barely noticed the amount of time we spent driving because i just talked to Rebecca for hours and hours about everything under the sun and it was wonderful. She is one of the best women i know, and one of the best mothers i know. 

this sweetie is one of my favorite babies ever, and she was SUCH A TROOPER the whole drive! these were taken at a park we stopped at. cutie cutie cutie. 

then we FINALLY made it home, and as soon as i stepped onto my front lawn, there was a finality to it. I knew i wanted to marry Karl, and though i thought then it would be in the spring of 2016, i knew that this would be my last time living at home for any extended amount of time, and it was strange. 
I came home at the most beautiful time of year to be home. 
The trees are in brilliant green splendor and the weeds in the fields surrounding my house are turning dry, but in the twilight they put of a golden glow. wild sweet peas line the front yard, and strawberries line the sidewalk. 
I breathed in deeply and decided that this was going to be great. this time at home was going to be fun and happy and full. 
I just wished that Karl was there with me to feel it all.

I write scriptures and quotes on my mirrors to keep me on top of things. I came home and Jenae had left one up since Christmas when i was home last. my heart was pretty warmed. 

I spent all of Winter semester teaching preschool in the afternoons, so hanging out with my nephew was easy and fun and i felt closer to him than i ever had before. I just felt like i understood him more because i was asking him questions differently and just letting him talk to me. 
 Preschool taught me a lot about how i want to make my own home. And showed me how incredible my own mother was, and how wonderful my sisters are at making Zion homes. 

my favorite things with my Nephew were painting and playing outside. 
the sunshine is so different in California. 
and painting with children helps me get to know them better. 

me: You used so many bright colors to make your lines!
Him: It's a city in Japan! These are the roads, and that is the biggest river. Do you see?
me: I see that these grey lines connect to each other.
him: yeah, those are the neighborhoods next to the river. the roads go over the river, too.

what a cutie!!! I love doing art with kids. 

I painted some squiggles and lines, just for fun and to wind down, and then i tried painting Derek and Raycelan but neither attempt turned out the way i wanted. 
But i felt really relaxed! so that's good!

I found a brand new Harry Potter Trivia board game at DI in Rexburg for $0.75 HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA!!!! It was original edition!! That goes for $60.00 and upward on the internet!

I came out into the living room one evening, and my evening had arranged all the toy cars onto a yoga mat like this:

he said, "They're all driving in the streets."

3 year olds are my favorite humans. ps he's going to be an engineer just like his father. 

other nephew highlights include:

him holding my hand whenever we walked somewhere. sweetest. 

his enthusiasm over the sun cracked cowboys and indians toys in the backyard in the old playhouse. 

and of course, the trampoline.

I just love that boy. 

The rest of that first week was all very exciting and full. I was reacquainted with "Lady" the puppy Jenae got at Christmas who is now an actual animal and not a teeny wobbly thing. 

I sent Karl a package so it would get there in time for his birthday

and spent as much time as possible snugging this girl

I loved catching up with Die Viesel, too. Here she is with literal milk in her eyes:

and lil homie Virat making friends with the babies. cutie. 

My oldest brother Donny and his little adorable family came to visit on Sunday evening, and his little girl adores her cousins! they're all very cute to watch together. 

and finally, I love to read outloud from the scriptures with my family, but maybe most especially with Jonathan. He just has really different points of view than i do, so his insights are things i probably never would have noticed or thought of. I love to read with him and feel his adoration for the words and the people. Jonathan is a great scriptorian!


  1. i love that about jonathan too!
    also, owen had a huge bandage on his leg because????

  2. Such a sweet post! We love you Melissa.


Love Notes: