
some of my more...vehement posts...haha.
think of this like a highlight real.
they're not all incredible writing or anything, but they are certainly the most emotionally packed.
and i feel like they're the most important to read if you want to get to know me. the real me; Garamel.
here they are, good and bad:

"Former Best Friend" - November 2015
"Cornmeal: a near death experience" - September 2015
"'-porn' as a suffix" - July 2015
"Ibrahim" -June 2015
"Karl and Melissa - a Love Story" - May 2015
"Derek and Raycelan" - March 2015
"Personal Progress/Why I Love These Roommates" - March 2015
"Certain Seconds: Brandon" - February 2015
"Perfect Portrait" - February 2015
"2014 - A Year in Review" - January 2015

"My Interstellar Review" - December 2014
"I Have Angels for Friends" - November 2014
"BYU Admissions Decision" - October 2014
"Bayonet" - October 2014
"Thank you for being who you are" - September 2014
"The Golden Girls" - August 2014
"The Baptism of my Dear Katie Rose" - July 2014
"Even One" - July 2014
"Broken doesn't mean Undone" - July 2014
"Known" - June 2014
"Portrait of My Father" - June 2014
"Boys Who Proved Me Wrong" - May 2014
"Yosemite" - April 2014
"Over Jello and Fruit" - April 2014
"Fire" - March 2014
"The Chronicles of Catsbane" - January 2014

"2013: A Year in Review" - December 2013
"Chronicling My Life in Narnia" - November 2013
"I Like Me" - October 2013
"Dear Evelyn" - August 2013
"happies" - August 2013 
"Certain Seconds 2" - August 2013
"Team Hansen" - July 2013
"Up on Mah Soapbox" - July 2013
"Smellin'" - June 2013
"Winter Quarters, Nebraska" - May 2013
"Adam-Ondi-Ahman" - May 2013
"Far West, Missouri" - May 2013
"Spigot" - April 2013
"Certain Seconds" - March 2013

"The Burg" - December 2012
"The Ranch" - November 2012
"the time I was robbed and REALLY angry about it." - October 2012
"Merry Christmas?..." - August 2012
"Harry Potter" - July 2012
"The End, Dawg" - June 2012
"Birthday Dinner" - May 2012
"The Brad Pitt Rule" - March 2012

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