Wednesday, June 12, 2013


1. The Ranch in Hiko. perfection. it smells hay, the bathrooms smell like metal paint. The gravel road smells chalk. i can close my eyes and picture myself on the porch swing. cement, grass, rain, chalk, hay, the mountain, all those smells in one place, It's the best.

2. I had this old bag that i used for Water Polo and that i take to the beach. It's old, so it smells like old cloth. then add a little chlorine and shampoo smell. plus sunscreen and sea salt. so happy.

3. My grandma Hansen has these old yellow cups, and they have a very distinct plastic smell. When i think about it, i automatically picture myself walking through her front door. I can smell the mashed potatoes and the roast beef, the plastic cups and the old old old rusty metal tv trays we eat on in the living room.

4. The back dressing room at my high school smells like makeup, sweat, hairspray and paint. and the couches have a very unique 'rats definitely live here' smell. I still napped there like everyday. awesome.

5. glade + chocolate chip cookies = Brandon Paul's kitchen, one of m favorite places in the wooooorld.

6. Ginger ale immediately wooshes me back to kindergarten. I'm under a table on Jason's deck in a towel fort we made, and we're still dripping wet from the pool, and he offers me a ginger ale and i sip it and literally gag. He laughs and i made the worst face possible.

7. my mom's lasagna. best. smell. ever. ohhh, with biscuits.

8. The carpet in my old room. in the winter, the sun would come through the window and make a patch of the carpet warm. I'd curl up there and read, and it smelled soooo good.

9. Babies. the end.

10. this is gonna sound creepy. Katrina, don't judge me. hahaha. when Katrina was gone on her mission, I would keep one of her pillow untouched so that i could smell it every once in a while and it would still smell like her "Amber Romance" perfume. So when i was having a bad day, i'd use her pillow that night, and i would miss her and read one of her letters, and feel better. And i still love that smell. It kind of makes me mad though when i smell it on other people, though. haha i'm like, Katrina is the only person allowed to smell like that, ever.

1 comment :

  1. #3 oh my gosh!! I can smell those cups right now! and #10- cute!!


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