Saturday, December 7, 2013

Chronicling my life in Narnia

this post happened because i found a bunch of pictures that i forgot i had on my phone!

rewind to before thanksgiving:
The little weasel Jenae sent me a package!!! I teared up, honestly. i'm not terribly homesick or anything, just every once and a while something little will get me choked up :)
i definitely ate all that candy within an hour.

now fast forward to now.
notice the healed cut on my palm in this picture? It's from my stupid broom the night before thanksgiving as i was cleaning the house, i got a DEEP slice from that lovely broom. a good chunk came out of my palm. it was very pleasant. 

the PIN is a different story. the summer after i graduated high school i made a t-shirt quilt out of most of my MSHS stuff, and i STILL find pins that i accidentally sewed into it. ha. i'm an idiot.

also, i found a Harry Potter reference in the gospel of John:

I live in Narnia, and i love it.

This picture was taken at 1:16 in the morning, but the BLIZZARD outside my window was so bright that it lit up my entire room!

Jaylene brouht home christmas lights after thanksgiving. verrrrry happy.

Jenae, that hot chocolate you sent me was THE BOMB.COM

Now, a message to my hometown friends who are complaining about it being 30 degrees today:
try -15. and then add crazy wind, and mid-shin high snow. all day long. and then we can talk. p.s. this picture doesn't do it justice but my windows are literally frozen shut. FROM THE INSIDE of the house.

But don't get me wrong, i LOVE the snow. really, i do. i never get tired of it. and i've been looking forward to it forever. and i especially love the BYUI landscapers who chose to plant evergreens and firs all over campus so it would feel even more like christmas. i love living in an iceburg, alright?

also, I'm going to be really sad when i go home, because Donny, Christine and Evelyn won't be there. boo. me and Ev are best pals. she laughed at me this morning, and it was the best sound ever. yes, she is wearing an R2D2 hat. the cutest. and we were reading the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. sorry, Donny, i'm brainwashing your daughter. 

Those cheeks, i die. 

life is good.

p.s. GO SEE 'FROZEN' RIGHT NOW, it was so cute!

1 comment :

  1. I died reading the Harry Potter reference!! That is too good. Little evelyn is adorable, sad I don't when I will be able to meet her!


Love Notes: