Monday, March 31, 2014


I've been thinking a lot about prophets lately.

I wrote a bunch, trying to explain my feelings right now but deleted it because in reality it all boils down to this, friends:

I feel this truth like a fire in my bones- God has not abandoned His children! He has called Prophets to guide us, and i know that. with all of my heart, i know it! for the past few weeks i have felt this burning inside my heart and i think if i don't tell you all, i really might burst open! Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God.

and even if you don't share my belief, i want to invite you to watch the general conference of my church this weekend, and see for yourself our Prophet. God's Prophet and Apostles today. Hear them speak, and then ask God if their words are not true.

here's the link:

hear and ask.
and then listen for an answer.
it may not come loudly, or immediately, or with any grand gesture.
But if you sincerely want to know for yourself whether or not God still speaks to His children through Prophets, then ask Him.
and an answer will come.

it did for me, and i know it can for you, too.

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