Saturday, December 10, 2011

Temple Walk

So i realized that i never blogged about my temple walk on my old blog
so i'll tell you about it here. :)

I heard a talk by Elaine S Dalton during a session of General Conference in which she told this story. It made me want to do the same thing! Since i'm in the middle of Personal progress, i decided to do a temple walk for one of my Value projects.
I planned the safest route from five miles away from the Fresno Temple at a church building.
I invited all the girls i know in my area, set a date, volunteered some parents to walk with us and were on our way.

 the whole point of the activity was to show our determination to be worthy to be sealed (Married) in the temple and to compare our walk to the temple to the time span of our life. 
We stopped about every mile and I prepared several spiritual thoughts, taken from stories of saints giving up everything just to go to the temple.

When we were around the corner, we all held hands and walked together the rest of the way.
the feeling was incredible. knowing how hard we had worked to get there, and thinking of everyone who has come before us and sacrificed so much to go there.

when we got to the temple, I invited my wonderful friend Amanda Reyes
to speak to us about how she prepared to attend the temple and about her temple marriage.

Then all the other girls and I had a few minutes to read our scriptures, and write in our journals and reflect our feelings toward the temple.

I'm SO grateful for all the girls who joined me on my walk. 
I love them all so much!

I hope their testimony of the Lord's temples was strengthened, because i know mine was. 
I also feel like all of us girls made a silent deal with each other day. We're all going to the temple. We're all gonna make it. We're all going to each other's weddings. We all love each other too much to do anything that would distract from our goal of eternal marriage.

I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday to feel the Holy spirit, to listen and to pray.
For the temple is a House of God, a place of love and beauty.
"I’ll prepare myself while I am young" this is my sacred duty.

The temple is a holy place where we are sealed together.
As a child of God, I’ve learned this truth:

a Family is forever.

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