so. these gems have been collecting up all summer. I started a post and didn't finish. then when i logged back on a few days later i couldn't remember what i was going to say so i just saved it. and then one day i just started adding on. and that kept going for awhile. so i thought i'd post it just for kicks. welcome to my brain:
I decided reeeally early on that i was never going to cross my legs. like, one knee over the other. because it's uncomfortable as heck! but literally everyone does this! i cross my ankles and tuck them underneath my chair like on the princess diaries. but for the record i made this decision before the princess diaries.
I say "Dawg" a lot. I already said it too much, and then Derek came home last week, which only amplified it. and sometimes i annoy mySELF with how much that word comes out of my mouth. but I.Can't. Stop.
I'm learning American Sign language and sometimes i wish that everyone would just STOP TALKING. sometimes i just sign something to my mom. and i know she doesn't know what it means but i'm like WILLING her to know what it means.
I think i'm going blind.
But really, my eyesight is getting fuzzy and weird. probably because i'm at work all day and when i'm not typing or filing in a back room with no windows i'm reading. that's all i do no a days. and it's taking me longer and longer to focus my eyes on stuff, especially outside. which is no bueno.
I know you're supposed to like, move on from high school, but i'm DYING in anticipation for Madera South's first home game. because i'll actually be here for it!! I'm itching to wear my stallion shoes again. old habits die hard i guess...
okay flip, boys and girls are stupid. they're just DUMB, okay?
girl, If he clearly likes you, despite the 2464 times you've friendzoned him, he's prolly in love with you. so stop complaining about the fact that there are no good guys out there who like you. not every guy wants to chase and chase and chase you know!
and boys, if you've been friendzoned 2464 times, she's not into you , bro. sorry. move on. she's probably not worth your good guy time anyway! go find a real woman who appreciates your kindness!
Having brothers makes you real protective. and sheesh! entitled, high maintenance women these days!
Dear Walmart,
If you're going to have 30 checkout lines, how about you open more than five at a time? and maybe one of them could be a regular lane, instead of the '20 items or less'. speaking of which, MADAM YOU CLEARLY HAVE SEVEN THOUSAND ITEMS IN YO CART! STEP ASIDE!
church dances are great. and awkward. and great.
you know what I love? guy friends. the ones who make you laugh and have been there forever, regardless of anything you've said or done. those are the best.
why do girls spend SO much time on their nails? sure, i paint my from time to time when i'm feeling super confident or girly. but i just don't see the need to have the whole dang ceiling of the Sistine Chapel on my thumb.
Have I done the Thestrals rant on here yet? If so, you can skip this chunk. If not, humor me for a second.
Harry Potter.
they're these magical winged horses that you can only see if you've witnessed death. they pull the carriages at Hogwarts but they're invisible to most students, so it just looks like the carriages are pulling themselves. So at the end of Goblet of Fire, Harry sees Voldemort kill Cedric Diggory. sad day. and at the end of the book, NOTHING is said about thestrals. nada.
but then all of a sudden, when the gang comes back for fifth year in Order of the Pheonix, Haryy's all, 'what the heck is this creepy dead horse thing pulling the carriage?!' and Luna's all, 'oh, i see it too.' and then later Hagrid says, 'they're thestrals. duh.'
He should have been able to see them at the end of the forth book!
Harry watched his mother get killed by voldemort as a dang infant! so he should have been able to see the thestrals ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!
*passes out*
Sometimes I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift steals my journal in order to write her songs.
timing is everything. EVERYthing. it kills me sometimes. to know that i want something so badly, and if i had wanted it the first time the occasion presented itself, i could have had it. and it thrills me to see my siblings' lives just click into place every once in awhile. i wonder, 'why isn't ____ happening?' 'how much longer is ____ going to to go on?' and then boom. it happens. right when you least expect it, but somehow the timing seems perfect anyway.
I love how Heavenly Father literally knows EXACTLY what tiny things to put in our path to make us happy, or restore our faith, or give us an answer we'd been searching for. and i love that sometimes you don't even see those things, you skip right over them and then days later you realize, wow! that was just for me!
I. Hate. Goodbyes.
I like that feeling when you haven't seen a friend in like a billion years, and then you hang out again. and you don't even miss a beat.
Today, we were driving home from Fresno on 41, almost to the american flag barn and there was a big traffic jam. then I see a car on the right hand side of the road, with it's emergency lights flashing. then, on the other side of the road i see another car, facing the opposite way, and a guy in a bro tank, jeans and aviators is standing by the car, looking across the road. Then the guy runs ACROSS the road to the broken down car. I didn't see if he talked to the driver or not, but if he did, it must have been a very brief conversation because lickety split, there he was, pushing the car. the driver obviously had the car in neutral and this guy was just helping him get clear of the traffic. it all happened in just a few seconds but it felt like forever. and then we were passing the car and we gave the aviators guy a thumbs up, because how else could we talk to him? but i wanted to talk to him! i wanted to say thank you, even though it wasn't even me in the broken down car. and i wanted to tell him good job, but i didn't want to embarrass him. and then we passed him. and in the rear view mirror i saw the driver get out and hug the aviators guy. complete strangers. how noble! I love seeing that there are good people. it made my day.
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