Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stephanie's view

This semester has really and truly been the best one yet. 
but so so so sos ososososososo hard. stressful busy hard. 

here it is from my roommate stephanie's point of view:

this is my new favorite picture of me. 
at the beginning of the semester, i had a hard time saying how i felt or actually just caring about others in general. I was obsessed with my grades and getting into BYU and yaddah yaddah.
and i was praying real hard to know what to change or what to do so that i could love Stephanie all the way. because i wanted to. 
and among other things, an idea popped into my head: 
read Harry Potter out loud.

so i did. 

 i've been wanting to practice anyway, because i want to read out loud to my kids every night from the time they're like, embryos. ha. but it's actually kind of hard, so i'm glad i practiced. and Stephanie's never read them, so we'll read them all! 

purple potatoes forever, homie

ho, ho, ho, y'all

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