So first off I'd like to say 2 things:
1) I pretty much don't care what I wear to school.
I know, I know, Marilyn Monroe, Chanel Coco, Betty black and all those other important people say that a girl should never leave her house without the classiest shoes, well fitting jeans, wind-swept hair and an arrogant smirk. i don't care.
"But Melissa, everyone cares what other people think about them. don't act like the thought has never crossed your mind."
It does.
a lot.
But i think that the prettiest people are the ones who are happy and comfortable and confident with themselves with or without the newest clothes, best make-up or most volume-ized hair.
Don't get me wrong, I have friends who are gorgeous and wear gorgeous clothes and look perfect everyday and are amazing, nice, friendly, wonderful people. (Taylor Veator, Marissa Gonzales and Blia Thao to name a beautiful few...)
And yes, i know that wearing nice clothes, always having your favorite lipstick and quoting Marilyn Monroe aren't bad. I admire people who take the time to look perfect everyday because i definitively do not have that kind of stamina. I also don't feel the need to impress anyone at my school...pretty sure I'm not meeting my future husband any time soon and besides, the cutest guys in school are off limits sooo...yeah.
2) You are 18 years old and a senior in flipping high school. you should know how to attach a file to an email. I'm giving you an F on your peer group grade. tough.
now that that's out of the way...
Welcome to the real post!
For the past couple of weeks I've been conducting an experiment. secretly.
Mainly because I wanted to wear sweaters for a month and have an actual reason for it.
But also because i was really curious about it's results...
I have a thing for sweaters. I own WAY too many, let me tell ya.
So i decided to see how my peers would react to a wide variety of them.
I made sure to switch it up and not wear a whole week of one kind or wear a certain one too many times.
Here we go:
Exhibit A: the "cute" sweater
They're not amazing, but for me? they're fancy.
*gasp* Melissa has cute modern clothes? Yuppers. I have a few. and sadly, i didn't take a picture everyday like i had planned, so you'll just have to do with these pictures that you've seen a million times :)
when I wear cuter sweaters...weird things happen.
people talk to me. But not just normal people! attractive people!
You know, the ones who usually only give a quick polite wave in between classes? only, they stopped and talked to me. teachers joke with me, I got asked to Winter Formal, I even get mistaken for Justin Bieber...
just kidding. But really. sometimes.
Cute sweaters= conversations with cute people
Exhibit B:
The Ugly/came out of Dad's old wardrobe sweater
I know somewhere in San Diego Oscar Bolanos is throwing up at his desk right this moment.
I've been wearing these sweaters for awhile. October of 2010 to be exact...So don't confuse me with those cheapo losers who are ripping me off and stealing my ugly knitted sweater/outrageous 80's windbreaker glory. anyway...
Because I wear these often, people didn't really react differently during my test period. those polite pretty people still graced me with a slight hand wave in my general direction. My teachers still pretended to chuckle while i pretended to have a mustache or told an elephant joke. and my days were normal.
normal Melissa sweaters= normal Melissa days. cool.
which brings us to the final stage:
Exhibit C:
'I can't believe you're wearing that in public' sweaters.
Snuggy. thanks Rebecca :)
Eskimo/Ice caps/polar bear hunting coat. thanks dad :)
Stacy and Clinton are weeping
For the past two days I wore that giant blue/gray thing
and not exaggerating?
no one has spoken to me.
My close friends still did. and my teachers, but i think that was mostly guilt.
But attractive people waving like princesses? nope.
telling jokes that get the whole class laughing? nah
not even a good morning from Joe the janitor?! nope.
ugly sweaters = no friends
I wasn't really surprised with the results. Because I always hear that people judge you by what you're wearing. I guess I had just never really thought about it like that before.
and now that i know my true friends, the rest of you can crawl way and eat figgy pudding.
who likes that stuff?!
you really never can judge a book by it's cover.
Or a girl by her sweater?...