Tuesday, January 6, 2015

After Christmas

the days after Christmas before driving back to school are a blur. We visited my grandparents, but mostly we jsut hung out with each other at home, and it was fantastic. Katrina and her family were with us, Donny and his family, too. It was all just happy and relaxed. we played Super Nintendo and played with babies and laughed and laughed. 

have i mentioned that Derek braids hair? because he does. it's adorable. 

Ryder is the cutest human being on the planet

every time i go home, i MUST get an extra large hawaian from my local Round table because it truly is the last honest pizza, and my local round table is the only good round table i've ever been to in my life. but not onoly is this pizza 'good', it is the flipping BEST PIZZA that i have ever eaten, or will ever eat. it's maybe an addiction. 

priorities, guys. 

speaking of which, no Christmas season seems complete any more without a good does of Justin Potter. we all went to see "Into the Woods" (which i thought was fantastic) together and afterward we went to In-N-Out and then came home for a rousing, and hilarious, round of "Rivers, Roads, and Rails". Oh, Justin, we do so love you.

also, i love Evelyn. I fed her a danish cookie so she'd hold still while i braided her hair. 
i'm an aunt and can do that. haha. sorry Christine. 

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