Friday, January 30, 2015


yes, folf. not wolf, folf. 

Hai Mahm, di es juat eye half bean dewing four da pasht phew weeeeeks.
love, me. 

ignore this creepy picture of George Harrison and enjoy the beautiful song as you scroll. this is mah jam. i listen to it while i'm walking to campus on Thursdays, because my 8:00 class is hard to wake up for, and i need to get pumped. 

1. Purple Potatoes are practically the only thing i ever eat anymore. potatoes for life because it's all i can afford. 

live dangerously.

3. that time I did Imagine Dragons Scrabble justforfun and it got a normal amount of likes on Instagram. 

but then uhmm, the Cancer Foundations that Imagine Dragons sponsors re-posted it. 

and it got hundreds. aka i'm a big deal, so start lining up for autographs now before i get too swamped. 

4. I got Derek some new Harry Potter trading cards for his birthday and they didn't come until November. k. 
and this card referenced T-swizzle. 12 years early. 

5. that dinosaur on the bottom left corner. "Don't kill Stefan! He's the only one left of his family!"
because that was the last chicken nugget of that kind...

6.  Steph and i are almost finished with the second HP book

7. you sent me Jello in the mail, and Lime is my favorite. and i ate it to look like Mike Wizowski.

8. We have a "tender Mercy" wall. and i love it. it's getting way bigger than this picture, and they all make me really happy.

9. My apartment/favorite number

10. Steph and Sophia make me breakfast sometimes because they're angels. 

11. You sent me raisins and i was happier than ever because of it. 

12. in case you were wondering, this is true:

13. I legitimately live in a winter wonderland. show these pictures to Weasel and make her come join me in the fall :)

the real mountain of snow in front of my manager's house:

I love Hoar Frost. 

hashtag my complex is ghetto, but i love it. 

my preschool playground

13.5 oh yeah, i teach preschool and it's really hard but i love it :)

14. you sent me a cake mix (LOVE THAT.) but i only had one egg. so i used one egg, and then half of each of the other liquids and made cookies. THEY WERE AWESOME. so i shared them with my roommates.

15. painting painting painting painting is my middle name. 
portrait of sistas
me and Weas forever. 

16. Hey Mal and Jay, our old roommate left her trash can here and i lol'd:

17. I do my hair in really cool ways because i don't want to hire someone to do my hair someday when i get married. (dont' worry mom, still single here.) porque the most important part of a wedding is the fact that i'm literally getting married to man of my dreams, so why should i blow all the money i have on a giant party when we're about to start a life together? so i'm doing everythign by myself and people can judge me. don't care. 

anyway. here's my cool most recent updo with a creeper Soph in the background

the back. after church, a nap, and a living room pajama dance party, and being attacked by nerf guns. it looked flawless before church, haha. 

18. i know my roommate Stephanie because she served her mission in the good ol' Fre-yes. she has these magnets on our fridge and they make me real happy. 


the health center on campus had sharpie-d out an incorrect apostrophe and i giggled, thinking of you.

20. some of mah best pals, right here.


i know it's really not that short. but it's WAY SHORT for ME. 

it definitely makes me look like a soccer mom:

but i ruv it. miss the braids, though. let me tell ya. 


and by the way mom, this is my friend Travis. nope, we're not dating. Just pals. He's Soph's. He's like Christopher Michael Moen 2.0

and that's life lately. 
real happy. 
tryna be real brave. 
prolly trying too hard. 
also prolly don't care. 
you know. 
the usz.

love, melissa michiale

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