Thursday, August 15, 2013

Before I left Rexburg

Just for the record, the other day i got to see my best friends Jason and Brandon and my supah good friend Mona. Jason asked me if Idaho felt like home yet and i said, "sometimes, yes. I mean, i feel like i'm living a dual reality. Like half of my heart is in Madera, and with these people, but the other half is wedged right next to the Tetons in good ol' Rexburg, Idaho."
i guess that's a thing.
Half of my heart is definitely still up north.

so i was 'busy' the last 2 weeks of school (AKA Merlin came into my life, which is an entirely separate post) and forgot to post about some stuff. here are the last couple weeks of school completely out of order:

Mark came over a lot. We love him.

Kool-aid is a gateway drug

the day Chris bought me cow tales = happiest day of my life.

speaking of Chris:

One Friday night Jaylene was in Montana and Madison was at Mark's, so Rachel and I walked down to Fat Cats to see Man of Steel for the second time. this was the sunset that night:

half of my relief society wore polka dots on the same day. unplanned.

 one day there was a huge storm and the lights went out.

 I like to paint to avoid my responsibilities. this is my parents on their wedding day

I became nocturnal (really, though. i slept all day and stayed up all night) and saw many a sunrise from the kitchen window with Rachel

I woke up from a sunday nap to find that My home teacher made us each our own little bowls of Jello, and my roommates made me mac n cheese. good life, i tell ya.

I took down all of my pictures....

And i had my finals:
Teachings of the Living Prophets - not hard, but time consuming
Book of Mormon - also easy, and quick. painless.
Children's Literature - HORRIBLE. i got 90%, which was awesome, but seriously the final was a project and it was supposed to take 3 hours. TRY 27. a compliation of all of our lesson plans based on all the genres we had studied throughout the semester. worth it, and fulfilling, but horrible.
World Foundations - hard, but i love history so i didn't mind it
Child Development - a group project -_- i HATE group projects. we designed a charter school! based on what we knew about childhood and adolescence. it was fascinating, and enlightening and i felt like it was an accurate depiction of what i had learned.

we had a goodbye picnic with all of our friends (except Mark who isn't in our FHE group ....sorry)

and then my classes ended, but i had an entire week before i left Idaho.
I was already packed and cleaned out.

and then i found Merlin
and i became obsessed. honestly literally and truly obsessed. it was like on a movie. I didn't eat, i didn't sleep. i watched the first 13 in episodes in one sitting, stopping only to re-fill my water cup or use the restroom. i didn't talk to anyone and i didn't move from the couch for two straight days.

then Chris came over and he and Rachel literally forced me to leave the house for an hour and a half to go to a bonfire. I hated him for a good 45 minutes. at least there were marshmallows. 

In late May
My neighbor Melissa Myers and I had a silent drawing contest that lasted for 3 days, and then it stayed on the board until the last day of school. We started drawing sports balls, and then it transitioned into 'circular objects that receive force in sports'.
My items:  Quidditch goals, bike tire, bowling ball, curling rock, 8 ball, water polo ball, hockey puck, archery target, volleyball, Golden Snitch, baseball, tennis ball, football, pokeball (holla)

marble, raquetball, frisbee, hula hoop, dodgeball, badmintton birdie, golf ball, rugby ball, soccer, basketball

Christopher dang Michael Moen and i were best buds and i flipping miss him a whole bucket and a half

The night before we all left Idaho, our apartment was 95% vacant. we ran out of toilet paper. so i ran to the Smith building, and wrapped approximately 32 pounds of cheapo toilet paper around my hand like a cast and then booked it out of there. and we had toilet paper for the last two days :) hahaha

this semester was so so so good. i was super homesick for the first couple of weeks, i was constantly stressed about money and finding a job, and my classes were a lot of work.

But i had actual friends. boys and girls. i had a life and a little family-like group of friends. i loved my church calling as a sunday school teacher, and i got to travel to Nauvoo. It was seriously a great couple of months.

My ONLY regret is that i didn't watch my friends play more frisbee. 
so in other words, 
i have absolutely no regrets.


  1. I love that quote by president monson! and all your funny stories. I REALLY should have taken more pictures in college! and also, when I was 20 I wrote a poem/short essay type thing about being a puzzle piece that basically says what you said at the beginning of this post- you are living half-way in between. and so you feel constantly torn. But it will turn out okay. and you can read my puzzle piece thing sometime.

  2. Rebecca, I would LOVE to read it, it sounds good!
    Chels, you're THE BEST


Love Notes: