Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas letters

first of all, shout out to my homeboy Rory Hutchings who is taking my bike home for me. I LOVE YOU RORY, YOU'RE MY HERO AND YOU SAVED MY LIFE.

alrighty, so i have a proposition for y'all.

Christmas is coming up. in 16 days to be exact. that's not very long!
This year for Christmas instead of any gifts i want to ask y'all to do a huge favor and write me a letter. a little memory. It can be as long or as short as you want. It doesn't need to be fancy, you don't have to be Edgar Allen Poe or anything, any writing is acceptable :)
you could have met me 10 years ago or last month, i don't care. We only met once? cool. don't feel creepy. go right ahead. write me. I'd love it.

It doesn't need to be deep, but i just want to hear your favorite memories of me. I know that sounds conceited...but I'm obsessed with remembering things. ask Brandon, I'm a dang elephant. And I would really love to have little things to re-remember with your help.
so tell me how we met, tell me why you hate me, why you forgave me. Tell me that I'm the funniest person you've ever met, tell me i have awful taste in shoes. tell me about the one thing that stands out in your head when someone says "Melissa Hansen". If i became famous, what would you tell people about me? If you were explaining me to a friend, how would you describe me? tell me literally anything you want. If there was ever a time when you wanted to say something but thought you shouldn't, or couldn't, do it now. because i want to hear it.

I have about 500 friends on facebook, and i have no idea who reads this blog, but I'm hoping at least 10 people can do this for me, because it would really mean the world to me. It would be the best Christmas gift ever!!


if you're interested, please take five minutes and type a quick email about me. sort of like a letter of recommendation, but way more personal, and straight to me. and you can email it to my little sister Jenae at:

with the subject, "Melissa's Christmas letter" and be sure to leave your name and date in the letter.

she won't read them, i promise haha. but it's just so i won't be tempted to read them before Christmas. then on Christmas day she'll print them all out and I'll read them and weep. literally. and I'll keep them forever and ever. to read when I'm sad or happy or just feel like loving y'all. and I just....yeah. don't judge me!

but don't tel me if you're doing it...because i want to be surprised! :)
if you don't, I'll still prolly love ya.
thank you for making this the best Christmas ever!

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