Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May Days

May! phew! 
first of all: My mom had a birthday on the seventh!!
here she is, super surprised and excited about her shower head emergency thing from the MacKays!

 an zen it vas mine!
mahm set up this fancy birthday tradition thing outside my door like a dang sneaky snake. 

and then i went to work, sporting a new awesome watch from Weasel
my favorite student, Seth, got me Swedish Fish Candy Canes and a mug :)


After school, before all my family came over i opened my presents! 
a couple years ago, when derek had presents for me he labeled them wth silly names instead of his own ('Jeremy and Conda from season 13 Biggest Loser' got me a fanny pack, Scooby Doo got me a sweet shirt, and so on.) i decided to give that custom a rebirth. SO glad. haha i did it for my mom, and it was fun. not hilarious, but fun. 
and my mom did it for me. (Queen Amadalla gave me an anakin skywalker keychain, 'the bully next door' gave me concealor "to cover up the black eye he gave you" and $5 "your lunch money he stole" hahahaha)

my favorite one was this one, though, from Jonathan:

1) because hullo this is the most 'jonathan humor' that anything can be. ha. and
2) because the present was a giant tub of redvines. holla. 

we also have this thing where we guess what a present is by holding it on our heads? haha i love it. 

 some of my spoils :) teehee

My mom went to the coast to be with her mother, grandmother and four sisters for the weekened! so much fun! the rest of us spent mother's day evening with our Hansen grandma, who is perfect. 

and when we came home that night, there was a birthday present for me on the porch! an AMAZING thoughtful gift, and this GIANT chocolate chip heart-shaped cookie 0.o
ohmyhappiness, thanks Channa! 

and a shout out to my Grandmom Wallwork who gave me all of this embroidery thread:


and maybe soon i'll post about things have happened in the past few days rather than from a few weeks ago, cause then, you know, you can get real emotions and stuff. haha. I'm slackin. 

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