maybe i haven't posted in a week because i don't want to stop posting about Sports Camps. maybe i never ever will and i'll just be like Ms. Havisham reliving the same days over and over in my mind.
or not, cause that'd be sad.
but to be real i'll prolly reference sports camps for a long ol' time.
deal. wif. et.
by the way i forgot to post this picture when i was talking about the weekend!
I used to draw my dreams when i was younger.
i had a dream that a girl who shall remain nameless was the dragon from Shrek, and she was playing rugby for Derek's hand in marriage. but Derek was definitely maid Marian from Disney's Robin Hood.
so i painted it.
my group 7/28/14 - 7/31/14 was awesome. no, no, they were kewl.
and because i call everyone 'dawg', they thought it's be funny to call themselves cats. but i refused. they said, "what if it's spelled k-a-t-z"
that week i had volleyball girls. they ROCKED! they had practice in the evening after dinner, which provided some well received counselor clusters.
I ruv philly.
we actually got to be roomies! but more about that in a tick.
my girlies and i walkin' to the dance!
Thomas, literally grooving too hard for the camera to capture.
Tuesday afternoon, we were waiting for our kids to come out of practice, and me and phil were singing Mr.Big at the top of our lungs. this kid came up and joined us. we were impressed. so when we bumped into him at the dance, i took a picture.
"what?! me and _____? no way. we're not together. there's nothing."
my camera says yousa is lying to me:
post-dance camper goodbyes outside the dorm lobby doors at curfew. gag.
I don't know WHY this made me laugh for a solid 2 minutes, but it definitely did. probably because it's just SO FLIPPING TRUE.
one GAAAA-REAT thing about that week was dear ol' philly.
we got to be roommates.
she's from Manchester(ish), Great Britain. she was technically Derek's friend first but i stole her.
and our room was right next door to Rachel HArdy Har Har's. so Obviously, we had the week of our lives.
I also stumbled upon these gems:
so cute.
pictured below?
our nemesis, EFY. kidding. i loved EFY. we just joke about them being our enemy because they wear polo shirts and curl their hair everyday.
we go to breakfast with PJs and morning breath.
Wednesday morning i woke up smiling. and i bounded down the hall waking up my girls with the chant, "SIX! PEAKS! DAY! SIX! PEAKS! DAY!"
Wednesday as we came out of lunch, Phillipa and I saw our friend Harrison struggling with his bike, so went over to help. we probably only bothered him, but he was a good sport.
dear future husband, if you could have hair as curly and adorable as Harrison's, that'd be great. thanks.
turns out, some knuckle-head had locked their bike to his through his break lines, and he had to completely take apart his handle bars. the whole time, we made up a story to tell the person who did this. "Harrison was late to his volunteer position at the abandoned puppy shelter" "Harrison heard on the radio that someone kidnapped a bus full of orphans on their way to disneyland, so he ran out to the bike rack so he could pedal to save the children, BUT HE COULDN'T. BECAUSE OF YOU, YA DINGUS."
finally, he got everything untangled and rode off into the sunset with his dreamy hair.
phil and i went back to our dorm, where i tried to remember everything we said, and wrote it down in a letter to the owner of the cursed light blue bike.
and then we taped it to the bike, just for good measure.
just about then, it was time to pick up our girls and go to SIX! PEAKS!
but i got some bad news.
"Seven Peaks is closed due to an 'impending storm'"
i literally wanted to cry.
and telling my girls was the worst. they were all super disappointed. I should have taken Dylan's approach,
"Hey Guys! I have GREAT NEWS!"
"Really?! What's Up?!"
"BUT! no worries! because you get something EVEN BETTER!"
(He's talking to 17 year olds)
"Derek and Rachel rented a toooon....oooooffff..........BOUNCE HOUSES!!"
*earthquaking groan from youths*
i was weak.
all my girls were mad except one, who had forgotten her bathing suit anyway.
can we please admire this BLUE SKY in the background?
the weather for the rest of the day was gorgeous and perfect peaks weather.
so, like i said, we just hung out all night. for 5 hours, no big deal. and the night ended with me pitching fruit snacks out my two story window to Dylan.
so, it ended well.
Thursday morning was bittersweet, as always. i loved these chikas.
at lunch, we sat next to this cup of juice with kosher salt filling the bottom. i whipped my camera out because it was so gross and as Derek mocked in a sing song voice, "i wanna remumber this furever!"
true words, brother.
And people kept asking me if the next week was my last.
"yup. I'm here til the end of the line"
and it kept right on making me gloomy.
i've grown to love this place.
I never wanted to leave.
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