Monday, August 4, 2014

The Fellowship of the Ring

First, a moment of silence for my fanny Pack, which broke on Saturday morning. i may or may not have cried. eulogy to come.


okay, on to the meat:

7/21/14 - 7/24/14

Hi, picture overload. 

I LOVED that week. 

I loved these girls. so fun. we voted on a group name and they decided on "The Fannypackers" because several of us had fanny packs. 
this girl was nuts, haha. but she was kind, so i liked her. 

I would like to point out that in this picture you can see counselors Drew and Thomas notice that Derek is taking a picture of me and my camper. 

so they joined the party. 

Field games were way fun that week. and my girls were obedient! hallelujah! 

Tuesday morning my girls asked me, "uhmm, Melissa...would it be okay if...if we changed our name?"
"To what?"
"To...the Fellowship of the Ring? Because, there are nine of us! and we all really like it. we voted!"

 I'm glad that i got soccer girls again, because i needed to be reminded that not all soccer campers are sent from Satan himSELF to torment me. 

as i mentioned previously? 
but i loved 'em. 

hai, i ruv dis jawb cuz i geht tah live in da garbage sometimez

Wednesday came along, and another counselor was sick, and had 16 girls that still needed to go to six peaks. so i handed my 8 girls to my AWESOME roommate Madie and took the other counselor's girls. 


you guys, my brother is amazing. Head Counselors in general are amazing. HOW DO THEY DO IT?
Derek especially impressed me this Wednesday. example one:

A "concerned" mother was asking Derek some questions, and just LOOK at that face. haha. he's trying so hard to be patient and kind and professional. and he was. even with the most overly concerned parents, Derek and Rachel are so good. 

Two of my girls checked out Wednesday night to go on a boating trip -_-

  let's play a game called,
 "guess which two girls gave Melissa a headache from excessive perfume during the week"

also, i don't know why the glare on my glasses decided to make me look like C3PO, but that definitely happened. 

 here, my girls said, "let's take a silly picture, where we're acting like our characters from LOTR!" (they had each assigned themselves a character from the series. adorable.) and i said, "oh yeah, hey, hobbits, you should get some LEAVES and hold them right here"

"Hey Derek! I've been here for a month and we haven't taken a picture together at work!"


 and then he did take a picture, but the sun was in our eyes, haha. 

My favorite part about six peaks? packing EIGHTY sweaty kids on to public buses!

So there we were, driving to six peaks, when out of NOWHERE, giant clouds roll in.


Sure enough, before we even finished eating pizza, it started POURING GIANT drops of rain. 
Rachel, still smilin'.

i took cover under my towel, knowing that just like several other weeks, the rain would continue for twenty minutes or so and then it would get deathly hot again and we'd go back in.

*impressed with Derek Part 2*

at this point, all the counselors were looking to Derek and Rachel to know what to do. the park did a temporary closing for half an hour, and a lot of the counselors wanted to just leave. 
everyone was bugging Derek and Rachel, "call the buses!" "are we going back in?" "what do we do?"

If i were Derek and Rachel, i would have doled out a few upper cuts. 

instead, Derek stepped away for a second, and when he came back, he got on the megaphone and did this:

and i could feel the tension leaving the pavilion like air out of a balloon. 

They ended up calling the buses though, and me and Rach were sad that we didn't get to flaunt our matching bathing suits. 

Derek, layin low

Shanna, Rachel, and i just danced with our friend Devin to avoid the disappointment of not being able to go in to the park.
(ALSO, I've decided that maybe it's my blog that ruins these photos and not Picasa.)

i approve of this match:

 then, just as i predicted, the sun burst through the gray

we still went home. 
madie and i combined groups and took our girls to the Creamery! Traditioooooon.

This girl was my favorite that week. She was so gentle but fun!! AND we had the same last name ;)

 Thursday, at lunch, i met someone i admire a whole heap.

Jason Bromley!

So the 2014 LDS youth theme is "Come Unto Christ"
there is a GREAT music video with the theme song that i LOVE. it moves me every. time. specifically the boy who is obviously struggling with Pornography. 
Every year, i'm grateful for the people who write the theme songs and the past few music videos have been exceptional. I am thankful that people put such time into them, because i get something out of them every time i watch. 

 thursday, I saw Jason from across the Cafeteria and did a double take. my friend Rachel Ockey asked me what i was staring at and so i explained that that boy was in the Come Unto Christ video, yadda yadda yadda. I was perfectly content to just stare at him and know i'd seen him. 
But then another counselor interjected, "that kid?"
"yeah, the one in white. i have so much respect for him, and i don't even know him."
"that's my FHE 'brother', Jason! want to meet him?"

uhmm, yes. 

so i did. and i thanked him, and he was really humble about it. super nice guy. he's a freshman at BYU  and leaving for a mission in December and i sincerely enjoyed his company.
he insisted that it was totally fine to take a picture, so i did :)

thanks, Jason, for being a part of something that impacted my life and for living up to the expectation i had of you in my head. 

then, my girls checked out and i headed home to hike Y mountain with my roommate! but more about that on Wednesday!

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