Tuesday, March 17, 2015

to the girl in class perusing pinterest

stop it.
you're obnoxious and distracting.

you come to class late immediately get on your computer and refuse to participate in discussion. then you laugh out loud at jokes that you read online. then you loudly pack up and leave RIGHT as the clock strikes 12:30, in the middle of the professor's final thoughts which are often the most poignant, and it reeeeeeally grinds my gears.
It would be bad enough if you were just on pinterest, ignoring the wealth of knowledge being placed before you, but you are incessantly swim suit shopping. While you're clicking through full screen photos of women in bikinis the rest of are trying to unravel the mysteries of Moses and Abraham. Your scrolling through cleavage and lace really isn't helping anyone focus. It's also driving away the Spirit that the professor and those of us who care about the scriptures are trying to bring and bask in.
You're ruining this experience not just for yourself, but for literally everyone behind you. Since you sit in the front row, that's everyone.

So if you could please just STOP that'd be great.

just be respectful, dang it.

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