Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#16 - Badminton

"As We Ran" by The National Parks
please hear the "We belong here with the Great Tetons" line. favorite part. I LOVE IDAHO. and i miss the teton valley, i do i do i do.

Today's Happy:

we were gettin' our game on, and we noticed that Curtis and alex were creepin. 
so without even saying a word to each other, we started posing ridiculously. gave them a little photoshoot.

 photo proof for mom that he is in fact taller than me ^

"black girl fashionista pose" was what Curtis shouted at us. Ryan struck this pose and i LOST it. resulting in my super attractive fat-neck laugh. hahaha

"I'm glad you made it! sorry you got lost"
"oh no worries, we weren't lost."
"usually when you have to ask four separate people for directions, it means you're lost."
*followed by best smile ever*

you get the point, i'm smitten. 

1 comment :

  1. the combination of all these last posts make think of one certain scene from a particular movie that rhymes with ambi


Love Notes: