Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dusty Socks

Little known fact about Melissa Hansen: I love gospel music. loooove it. 
i know some people who are uncomfortable with with religious music, i am not. 
but i'm also not against people who are. 
anyway, this:

- i'm almost done with another journal and that's bittersweet.

- summer 2012 i was obsessed with the Brave soundtrack, but i lost the CD in my move to Idaho. sad. but just found the soundtrack on Spotify :D ""if ya hed the chance ter change yer feat, wood je???"

- had an asthma attack yesterday and it freaked me out. i haaate asthma. It's usually only exercise induced, and because i'm exercising, i know i'll have trouble breathing, so i'm prepared for it and i bring my inhaler yadda yadda. but this was literally out of nowhere, and i totally made it worse by freaking myself out. I haven't had a random asthma attack since like my junior year of high school, so i psyched myself out, which only made it worse. but hallelujah for a level headed mother and medicine. 

- I maybe have a crush on a boy in my ward and i don't know whether to embrace it or sweep it under a rug because i'm going back to school in April and he's staying here. (insert anger toward rack-system here)

- I love Jenae and i wish she was home more. i kind of feel like she's the one who went away to college and i'm the baby sister, because she's never home and when she is i totally suffocate her. haha. 

- I am happy, for no one particular reason, and that's good. 

- I'm gonna start an etsy business, and i'm not going to talk myself out of it like i do every other project where i would be subject to criticism. "criticism can be constructive, Melissa." - logical part of my brain

- just because i'm not good at math doesn't mean i'm not intelligent. I'll kick your butt on any history test, yo. 

- it's okay to stop reading a book series in the very middle because it's historical fiction, and you know, because you know the true events, that no one survives this specific attack, so you know that this sweet wonderful character is going to die. but months later, when you decide to suck it up and continue the series, that's good too.

- as cheesy as it sounds, reading the scriptures every day honestly just makes me happier. It keeps my perspectives in focus and my mind where it needs to be. 

- apparently, feeling conflicted between my post college life/friends and my pre-college life/friends is normal, and okay. and i don't have to feel bad about it. 

- if you use a dusty, dirty sock from under your bed as an emergency kleenex in the middle of the night, your allergies are going to flare up and it's going to be miserable, but a little worth it because your mom will make you chicken soup for dinner :)


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