remember this? i love riding bikes. it's so relaxing! this month i'm documenting like every moment of my life. hate on it.
and remember this?
I got super blessed last month with scholarships. suuuuper blessed.
God answers prayers, let me tell you. and He knows what we need. He knows we want too, but He gives us what we need to grow. Because He loves us.
I got a scholarship from the Rotary sunrise lions club, they're like the classy black tie side of Madera that no one knows is there but they run everything haha. They invited me and the other recipients to a special breakfast at the golf course where our parents raved and everyone ooh'd and ahhh'd over our applications.
Nothing like a bunch of rich old white guys taking time out of their golf games and business meetings to pay for my college education. they were hilarious and old and cute and talked forever but i loved it. and they all congratulated me on going into teaching because all the other kids are going to be astronauts and molecular biologists and orthopedic surgeons and smart things. and i they loved that i wanted to come back and teach here. and i wasn't lying, i really do want to do that! I've wanted to that my whole life! be a teacher.
My friend Arron got the boy scholarship for my school. there were some Madera High kids there too.
Arron is going to be a rocket scientist or something smart like that.
the day i got the scholarship was a standardized testing day so i didn't have to be at school until like noon. so i went home and slept for a bit and then went to Brandon's for second breakfast. Hobbit, anyone?
So i laughed and made fun of Brandon's stupid cat/owl and laughed and hid in his closet and laughed and fawned over our littel kid pictures on the wall and the fridge and wished i could take Brandon to Idaho with me. and laughed some more.
Brandon is a chef.
I don't say that lightly.
He makes the best cookies I've ever tasted. and he odes everything fancy.
He cracks eggs with one hand and uses pepper jack cheese, who does that?
he made Me and Mona fancy grilled cheese sandwiches that were flipping amazing
Me and Moan gossiped while Brandon politely pretended to listen. and we talked about prom while brandon politely pretended to care. and we gushed over cute boys while Brandon tuned us out.
and then Danced around the kitchen like a ballerina and told Brandon that we should get married because our kids would be awesome. and come on, who doesn't wanna marry their best friend? we joked about it and then it got awkward so we changed the subject. and then other girls i left for school. ha.
Me and Jenae are party animals everyday
At school, I creep on Latimer and her crazy faces
and Jay creeps on me and my socks with sandals
and then emotions run high while all the crazy drama seniors practice our goodbye number for showcase...
By the way? i curled my hair three days in a row. what the? becoming a girl? finally?
ALSO...shout out to my raybans.
you've been Rick rolled.
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