Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reunion Sunday

I like that there was a random Derek Hansen Birthday monster on the wall of Pahranagant Valley High School. we have a cousin named Derek that goes there so there was a point to it...

After church and a sweet family testimony meeting we all ate one last big family dinner with everyone before people started saying goodbyes.

can I tell you a secret?
I LOVE Hiko.
But obviously, after 5 posts about one family reunion, you know that.
I kept thinking the entire weekend, "I wish i had more time with them" - meaning my family.
and then i remembered with a smile that i have FOREVER with these guys.

that's a long flipping time. forever means no end.
no more goodbyes, no more missing my siblings across states or continents.
Thank God for forever families. literally.

And once it hit me that i have eternity with them, i just sat back and soaked it all in. all the smiles and the otter pops and the late night conversations under those awesome Hiko stars.
It was good.
Family is the best Love you'll ever get. The End.

After Dinner, we headed back to the ranch to pack up.

and say adios to the ranch again.
And chase. Because he's leaving in October to serve a mission for our church. I couldn't more proud of this kid. He's such a stud.

so we headed back to Cali-Four-nigh-A. not forgetting to say hey to our little Marty the Dinosaur friend.

the drive home was an adventure! We had to do search and rescue! our Uncle Freddy's car broke down so he drove home with my grandma and grandpa and my awesome southern cousin Jacob rode with us!
It was a full car party!
luckily, Natalie was subdued with the prince of Egypt. I'm so glad she got to come with us

During a long, awful bout of traffic, we sang disney songs, i read quotes from Harry Potter aloud while everyone else pretended to listen to me. And we taught Derek to french braid!
He loved it, obviously.

welp guys. we're done with reunion posts! sad for me, happy for you, i'm sure. ha. 
I already can't wait to go back.

You know what else i can't wait for?

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