Sunday, October 5, 2014

I've had glasses for over 6 months now, and i'm still not used to these things:

- when i'm trying to just pull off my shirt, or pull it on, my glasses get either squished against my face, or get knocked off my head.

- WhenEVER i open the oven door, they get foggy. and when i enter a warm room from the cold outside, they fog up.

- i can't just plop onto my bed face first and fall asleep right where i land. or my glasses would snap. i have to take off my glasses, gently set them down somewhere high and safe, and THEN plop down face first

- the muscles on the bridge of my nose get tired. DID YOU EVEN KNOW I HAD NOSE BRIDGE MUSCLES? I DIDN'T. BUT I HAVE 'EM.

- When i read in bed, i lay on one side with my head on my arm until that arm gets tired and then roll over and read on the other side. but i can't DO that because if i laid the side of my head on my arm, my glasses would be pushed up against the side of my head and half an inch of my vision in both eyes would have no lens in front of it.

- MORE ZITS ON THE BRIDGE OF MY NOSE THAN I CARE TO ADMIT. all around the rims of my glasses for that matter. no matter how many times i wash my face or wipe off my glasses with cleaner wipey things.

- i have pretty much no peripheral vision

- I remember asking my brother Jonathan why he'd always like wiggle his nose and stuff to move his glasses up. why didn't he just push them up?
do you know how many TIMES a DAY i touch the bridge of my nose, pushing up my glasses?? FAAARRRRRR too many, my friends. and i've caught myself on countless occasions making weird facial expressions in an attempt to scoot my glasses farther up my face to my eyes.

- I can't hug someone and put my face in their chest or lay my head on their shoulder, because my glasses would be squished against my face or to the side and i would look dumb and be uncomfortable.

- i can't just absentmindedly tip my head back and french braid my hair, because there are pinches of hair under the parts of my glasses that go behind my ear. and because my glasses would fall off.

- smudges everywhere. i don't even know how they get there. they just do. and mascara dust gathers at the bottom of my lenses and i hate it.

- GLARES IN EVERY. SINGLE. PICTURE. glares from the sun, glares from the overhead lights, glares from people's too shiny teeth, glares everywhere.

- i used to love rain. now i dread it. even with a hood, drops still find their way to my glasses and cover them. always.

k i'm done complaining.

on the bright side, I CAN SEE!!! :D

not that i was blind before, but i was genuinely shocked at how poor my vision had become when i started wearing glasses and my eyes were relaxed. oh, you mean 75 headaches a day isn't normal? Tired eyes all day is weird? and my brain kind of went, "oh yeah, this is what it's like to see clearly. huh. i remember this."

so homies, you should get your eyes checked. periodically.

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