Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Beauty & Creativity

That's the name of my intro to humanities class. and boy, is it tough. but BOY is it worth it! It's my lowest grade right now, but i'm killing myself for that 83.2% i promise. and hey, for college an 83 as your lowest grade is pretty flipping good.
anyway, i love the material in this class. As i mentioned before, i bought the 99 most essential pieces of classical music for this class. we have a quiz every other week where he plays ten random songs from the CD (at any part of the song besides the beginning so it's harder to identify) and we have to write down the name of the song, who composed it and in what musical age (ie. baroque, classical etc) it was written. He also quizzes us on random art works from whatever time period or country we're studying.
This week our teacher challenged us to only listen to the songs on our CD.
I didn't do 100%, because i hang out around other people who listen to other kinds of music. loudly. but whenever i played music, it was from the CD and i LOVE it. SO flipping much! I'm so grateful for this class. for how cultured i feel listening to Puccini and mozart and falling in love with Vermeer all over again like i did in fifth grade.

and P.S. I'm naming my future son Amadeus after Mozart so that He'll be a prodigy too. don't judge me.

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