Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today My grandmom sent me a letter in the mail and it made my week! It was so sweet and thoughtful. She's so hip too, she made her own envelope from a magazine page and she wrote with white pen on black paper. I loved it, she's so cute.

I'm grateful for her today. I'm grateful that she and my grandad didn't let my mom go away to school, because if she had, she never would have met my dad at Cal Poly! I'm grateful for their comfy house at the beach. I love the smell of the sea and the wind and the saltyness. I love playing on their stairs and twirling the little crystals that caught the light coming in from the window. I love playing in the loft and scouring the cupboard under the stairs for new (old) toys. and i love her ice cream and i love her blanket that she made me when i was eight and i still use it. I love her voice and i still remember her reading me the Bernstein bears on our couch. I love her Christmas present bows and her rolls.

I just love her. 

Thanks Grandmom, you're the best!

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