Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pumpkin Muffins

first of all, 
My humanities professor made us practice Character analysis on Harry Potter characters. 
this STUPID girl gets up and tries to say that Neville is a flat static character with no development or progression through out the novels. and I wanted to punch her in the face but instead i just kind of shouted. and I told her that she was straight up DUMB and that she must be reading a different series because Neville Longbottom is the greatest person to have ever inhabited this earth since the turn of the century.
I then disproved every bullet point she had written and added a few remarks about her analysis of Draco Malfoy as well because she was wrong about him too.
people may or may not have clapped.
It made me feel pretty good about myself.

and then my Family proclamation teacher played "tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof and i sang along loudly with the dorky guy next to me and then our professor said we didn't have class on Monday.
which made me happy too.

And my book of Mormon class was awesome as usual. especially when we sang a Christmas song for the opening Hymn and me and Tyler were hitting ALL them harmonies.
Then my science professor told us that all our homework for the week wasn't due until Saturday so we can have extra time to prepare for the online test on Friday.
AND THEN my american foundations teacher told us class was canceled for monday
then we rented movies. including My big fat Greek Wedding
AND THEN my roommate made pumpkin muffins

So no yeah, I had a pretty great day.

until about nine o clock.

Mallorie made me watch another one -_-
"My Best Friend's Wedding."

I hated it.
I even texted Brandon and told him that if he ever got engaged without telling me i'd kill him. two times. one for not marrying me and one for marrying a girl i didn't approve first. 
and then I pretended that I didn't hate Cameron Diaz so i could finish the stupid movie because I was already too into the story line to leave the room. And Julia Robert's hair is like... hypnotically curly.

regardless, I'm thankful for funny pictures on the internet, pumpkin chocolate chip muffins and amazing teachers to be happy about. And I'm very grateful for Harry Potter.

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