Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Things

Sunday truly is my favorite day.

last night i stayed out late, but it was worth it...
This morning we celebrated Happy Hansen Day (separate post altogether) and i freaked out because i had forgotten about day light savings time (REALLY, WHY DO WE STILL DO THIS?!) and was a couple minutes late to church, wearing greasy hair in a struggling ponytail. it was greaaat. but the speakers made up for my appearance. An old friend (She's my sister's friend, but i look up to her so much that I'm just going to call her a friend.) spoke, and so did her mother. Both were incredible and just what i needed to hear this morning. In Mission Prep [(I'm using a lot of parenthesis today.) No, I'm not going on a mission, but I've been going to Mission prep since October, and i absolutely love the passion that missionaries have for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They're eager and willing to learn, i love being in that environment. and the teacher is great too.) we talked about God's plan of happiness. Happiness and conversion were common themes today. Anyway, I believe that we lived with God before this life, and that we will live with Him again after we die if we are doing all that we should while on earth.

I remembered this video that i saw a year ago:

"We are first and foremost spiritual and eternal beings."
Love that. 

Also,  I have fallen in love with a song from "The Nashville Tribute to the pioneers: Trek" It's called "One Who Understands." I have listened to it ten times today, I'm not exaggerating. 

"I hope i can be right there for Him like He is right here for me." 
He is with there with me every step i take, i can never say how grateful i am for that.

Also, I've been sleeping a lot, because i got my wisdom teeth out, and Vicodin makes me tired. and I prefer not talking, because talking for extended periods of times hurts my jaw, because I'm still swollen. (talking to someone for four hours straight in a church parking lot, though? I'm okay with that. that's good. )
So I've been quieter than usual. Well, I've been talking out loud less. but talking to my Heavenly Father a lot more. Prayer is incredible, it really is. what a blessing.

Also, last night when i finally got in, Caleb had kicked off his blankets, so i wrapped him back in. He stirred a little, opened his eyes a crack and sleepily mumbled, "I dust wuv woo, an wissa." translation: I just love you, aunt Melissa. This little boy, he's got me around his little finger, I'll tell ya.

And those are my Sunday thoughts. 

1 comment :

  1. The Emma tribute song "how much can one heart take" is my favorite. Also what awards did everyone receive?


Love Notes: